Suffolk Alpaca Events

Events 2023

Hadleigh Show

Saturday May 20th

Gates open at 8 and close at 4.30

Holbecks Park, Hadleigh, Ipswich, IP7 1PE

From 9.30 – 4.30

Clare Priory Craft Fair

Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th July

10 am – 5 pm

Clare Priory, Ashen Road, Clare, Suffolk , CO10 8NX

Free park and ride at Clare Playing Fields (CO10 8 PE)

Arts and Crafts at Blackthorpe Barn

Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd December

10 am – 4 pm

Blackthorpe Barn, Rougham Estate, nr Bury St Edmunds., IP30 9HZ

Please click on the green text to go to the websites for more details.